
Season 2006/2007

One season ends, another one starts! The money keeps going out, quicker than it comes in!! But bills have to paid and registration with League and FA has to be done!
Did you know a season for amateur league football, now costs over £2,000? As a completely self funded club this comes from all of our pockets!
Although the new season is not scheduled to start until the end of September, the bills start to arrive in April!
Signing on fees for this season will again be set at £75 (new players £50), but the only way we can maintain this is by having all fees paid on time and all debts settled promptly.
At this stage of the season, the outlay for the 2006/2007 season has been in excess of £500 and we need to recoup this money as soon as possible. Those of you that are always upto date with fees, we'd appreciate it if you could get your signing on fees to Nick or Matt as soon as you can and those who are still owing fees from last season need to settle those debts AS WELL AS preparing for the signing on fee for next season.
As usual we are looking for sponsorship, so take the time to help your club and make enquiries to your bosses, local stores, anyone you feel may be interested in sponoring a local football team.
As you should know we were looking into the possibility of securing a private home ground this season, that would have seen us moving away from Prince Georges and onto a better playing surface. The cost of doing this would meant a need to increase subs to £8 per match on top of the signing on fee. As the current rate of paying those signing on fees is showing, it's a pretty good thing that the home ground we were looking at didn't work out!! We're still owed a lot of money guys and with a training ground to book, i can't stress enough how important it is to get some money in NOW!