Neil is actually responsibly for bringing us Clinton and in terms of effort and ability is way above the likes of Alec
and Marco.
In fact Neil was most known for his ability to scythe down the opposition once they had made there way past him (quite
a common occurence) and somehow not give away a penalty. Captured on video trying to execute a difficult scissors kick way
before Paulo De Canio tried to copy him, Neil's effort resulted in a total miss of the ball and landing on his back in a pile
of mud.
Most notorius for his money handling as Eagles secretary, Neil decided to embezzle the clubs funds and jet off to the
relative safety of Stoneleigh. Thanks to the efforts of Matt Seabrook and Nick Ainsley the majority of the money was replaced
(by said players), but Neil is destined to live on forever in the Hall of Shame.
A comeback attempt was launched by Mr Belton and the beginning of last season, but was quickly vetoed