Cousin of one time Eagle Barry Catling, when he was first mentioned to us, visions of someone with Barry's pace but the
ability to deliver a pin point cross or shoot on target quickly sprang to mind. 8 seconds after meeting Alec it was quite
clear this wasn't the case.
Still not wanting to appear to be shallow by juding a book by it's cover, the Eagles management decided to give Alec
the opportunity to shine. And shine he did.
On his debut match he managed to launch a jumping two footed tackle on an opponent and was shown the yellow card within
5 minutes of getting on the pitch. On his second and final match he was singled out as the weekpoint of the team, by the opposition.
Ten minutes into the game and after Alec had been skinned three times, the Eagles were 3-0 down and Alec was substituted,
the beginning of the end to an illustrious Eagles Career.
In true Eagles fashion he never played again until he got the message and pissed off.